

1. **清热解毒**:茄蒂有清热解毒的作用,可以用来治疗由内热引起的症状,如肺热咳嗽、口疮、口腔溃疡等。 2. **凉血**:茄蒂具有凉血作用,适用于治疗肠风下血等出血症状。 3. **消炎镇痛**:茄蒂外敷可以用于消炎镇痛,如用茄蒂加醋捣烂外敷治疗冻疮和脚跟痛。 4. **止咳**:茄蒂有助于缓解咳嗽症状,对肺热咳嗽有治疗作用。 5. **软化角质**:新鲜的茄蒂可以用来擦脚后跟,有助于软化角质。 6. **治疗痔疮**:茄子烧炭存性后研末,可以用来治疗痔疮。 7. **风湿关节痛**:茄把与木防已、筋骨草等药材搭配使用,可以缓解风湿关节痛。 8. **气喘**:茄把煎水饮用可以治疗气喘。 9. **降低血压和胆固醇**:茄蒂中的多种维生素可以降低胆固醇含量,有助于降低血压。 10. **预防心脑血管疾病**:茄蒂有助于预防心脑血管疾病。 11. **预防口腔溃疡**:茄蒂泡水饮用可以有效预防口腔溃疡。 12. **消除炎症**:茄蒂泡水饮用或外敷可以帮助消除炎症,缓解牙龈出血、鼻出血、咽喉肿痛等症状。 需要注意的是,虽然茄蒂有上述药用价值,但使用时应遵循中医师的建议,不应自行乱用,以免产生不良反应。在中医理论中,不同体质和症状的患者使用茄蒂的方法可能会有所不同。在使用任何中药之前,最好咨询专业的医疗人员。


1. **清热解毒**:苦菜子具有清热解毒的功效,对于各种热病、感冒发热、咽喉肿痛等有一定的缓解作用。 2. **利湿退黄**:苦菜子有利湿退黄的作用,对于湿热黄疸、小便不利等症有一定的疗效。 3. **消炎抗菌**:苦菜子中含有多种生物活性物质,具有一定的抗菌消炎作用。 4. **抗肿瘤作用**:现代研究表明,苦菜子具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,可能对某些癌症有一定的抑制作用。 5. **抗氧化**:苦菜子含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E等,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。 6. **调节血糖**:苦菜子中的某些成分可能有助于调节血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。 7. **减肥降脂**:苦菜子具有清热解毒、利湿退黄的功效,对于减肥降脂有一定的帮助。 8. **保护心血管**:苦菜子中的某些成分有助于降低血脂、血压,对心血管系统有一定的保护作用。 9. **改善消化**:苦菜子可以促进消化,对于消化不良、便秘等症有一定的缓解作用。 10. **美容养颜**:苦菜子含有丰富的营养成分,有助于改善肤色,延缓衰老。 在使用苦菜子时,应注意以下几点: 1. 适量食用:苦菜子性寒,过量食用可能导致腹泻等不适。 2. 体质适宜:对于脾胃虚寒、消化不良的人群,应适量食用或避免食用。 …

Then I saw a huge figure emerge from this bronze coffin, dim in light and shadow, unable to see clearly. There were twelve wings on the back of an ancient armor, filled with a burst of bloody breath. Even he could see thick and harsh lotus flower, which was his blood flowing.

"Ancient Twelve Wings Battle Angels ““`" qR1 Door An old man looked at the figure and muttered. "It’s heaven is dead? It is said that …

Xiaokang burned the paper money, raised a pair of swollen eyes and ran to Zhang Ting’s leg, clutching Zhang Ting’s thigh and sobbed, "Sister, I miss my father and mother, and I don’t remember what they look like."

"Well, stop crying. Look at your eyes. Crying is swollen. If Mom and Dad see it, they will follow you." Zhang Tingbian helped Xiaokang wipe …


Yukime said frankly, "I haven’t heard from Long Tianze so far, but don’t worry that Long Tianze won’t have an accident. Take a step back. …

At this time, the potion is tightly adsorbed around Yu Long’s body and slowly permeates through pores, and then the whole degree is very slow in the meridians.

It’s been two days since Yu Long was injured today. For two days, Yu Long was almost in a semi-coma and did not move. "Hey-!" …

Zhang Ting glanced at the woman’s puzzled eyes and looked at Hao Qingshan. After seeing Zhang Tingwang’s eyes, Hao Qingshan’s face showed a wry smile and explained to Zhang Ting in a low voice, "This is my mother-in-law who came to ask her to take care of my daughter-in-law. I didn’t expect it to be a trouble."

Zhang Ting heard here where will listen to not white it seems Hao Qingshan daughter-in-law become like this or thanks to the mother-in-law. "Small court, …